
  顺便给个例句,千万别说查字典,要不然不选作最佳答案!~~~~~recognise: [ ‘rekəgnaiz ] v. 承认,识别,认可 recognised:过去分词,估计你是要当形容词用.那就解释成被认可的,被承认的. 不用举例了吧.


  recognised 确认 双语对照 例句: 1. Some 63 states have recognised kosovo’s independence. 大约63个国家承认科索沃的独立。

regard as ,recognised as ,considered as区别

  作为 “……被视为/被看作……”的语义上讲,总体上3个表达一样。
  1. We think of Deng Xiaoping as a great leader.Deng Xiaoping is thought of as a great leader (by us). as 不可省略。
   2. We see Deng as a great leader.Deng is seen as a great。


  前-英 后-美 英国人喜欢用S, 美国人喜欢用Z,不过英国人有时候也用Z A The broad rule is that the -ize forms are standard in the US, but that -ise ones are now usual in Britain and the Commonwealth in all but formal writing. For exa。


  请英语好的朋友帮我用4个词组造句, i do not think. recognise(vt) expl。1.I do not think that you are right.2.I recognised you are the person who gave a speech last year.3.I explained the reason to Mr.Tom.4.Would you please bring back the books for me?

